Weekend Reading: Salami Tape, Exploding Cows, Olive Oil Fraud, and More
What we’re reading, cooking and clicking this week
Chipotle is hoping their new four-episode web series Farmed and Dangerous, gets us to pay closer attention to the meat we eat. The series is part of the company's committed efforts to expose unscrupulous factory farming practices. So, will a campy show featuring exploding cows make you think twice about shopping for steak? —Michellina Jones
Artist Dan Cretu constructs everyday objects out of food—and constructs foods from everyday objects. On one side, we have a cassette tape made of salami, a camera made of cucumber, and a sneaker made of orange peel. On the other, a chocolate bar made from a computer keyboard and paint tubes made from chili peppers. It's brilliant going both ways. —Helen Rosner
Not quite sure how to behave or what to order at those "hipster" restaurants you keep hearing so much about? Artist Nathan Pyle's tongue-in-cheek gif-format tips will help you know what to expect. —Farideh Sadeghin
We all know about Orwell's revolutionary texts and disdain for authority, but did you know about his favorite dessert recipes? In his diary, alongside an entry that contemplates gender equality in work and housework he put down a recipe for fruit cake. Read about it at Brain Pickings. —Zainab Shah
I like to think I choose my olive oil wisely: extra virgin, first cold pressed, preferably from a designated region that specializes in olive oil production. But a recent illustration in the New York Times had me thinking twice about how I evaluate a bottle of olive oil. So next time I'm at the grocery store, I'll be paying extra close attention to the label, steering clear of those labeled "Packed in Italy" or "Imported from Italy." —Laura Loesch-Quintin
Buzzfeed Food feeds little kids caviar. Unbearable cuteness ensues. —Helen Rosner
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