
Scenes from a Swedish Midsummer Celebration

Sweden's longest day is also its most delectable. These photos first appeared in our June/July 2014 issue with Per Styregard's story "A Midsummer's Dream."

The author and friends set the table for dinner as Chester Elmroth plays piano.
The author and friends search for the perfect place for a Midsummer picnic.
The author and friends picnicking and horseback riding on the Great Alvaret.
The group enjoying crispbread and balsamic-spiced nuts on the Capellagarden rooftop.
From left: author Per Styregard, Asa Johanson, and Shogo Hirate pass the gavadlax down the table at their Midsummer lunch.
Revelers dance around the majstang in Vickleby, on Oland island, in southern Sweden.

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